I fucked up and I fucked up good…. I hurt someone that I really care about (let’s call him J) and why? Oh, just because I am a spiteful bitch when back into a corner. Or that’s what D told me today. And I was drunk, can’t forget the copious amount of alcohol I consumed. I am such an idiot, I woke up this morning and didn’t want to get out of bed. The embarrassment is the worst part. I am completely ashamed of my behavior. I lost my shit, I went completely bat shit crazy. What did I do? I am glad you asked. I said hurtful, mean and unfortunately true things to my friend who is going though a tough time to begin with. I said it in the most condescending, bitchiest way possible. And then…. And then I called back crying, CRYING, to apologize. Blithering idiot! Why couldn’t I have had any freaking control and actually not called, kept my mouth shut? Ugggg I want to crawl under a rock right now. I can’t believe that I ruined such a good thing. I know I hurt J. I know I hurt him in probably the only way I could. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t want to. We have only been talking for a couple of weeks, but we got along so well. There was a strange common ground we shared. An understanding of how we looked at the world and we talked about everything. I had preconceived ideas about him prior to our friendship forming and he turned them all upside down. He allowed me to see who he really was and I know how difficult this was for him. I ruined it, I know he’s shut the door on me. I was hurt and I couldn’t bring myself to admit why, so I lashed out. I should have kept my mouth shut, I should have walked away when I had the chance. I should have never started something that could never end well. Self fulfilling prophecies can kiss my ass.